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Red Hot And Heavy

SKU: 4655732
Metal/Hard Rock
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"I first heard of this band when reading their write-up in issue #1 of metal forces, and the very positive review of their demo. To be honest, i wasn't expecting much from this obscure outfit from Denmark, not that i was expecting anything negative, but i do find with many obscure bands it can be hard to listen past the first few tracks. Boy, was I in for a pleasent surprise!

First off, Let me just say that if you don't like keyboards in metal, you can stay away from this album or listen to it and change your mind! Although not obnoxiously overused, there are one or two numbers on here, such as "Waitin' for the Time," that are pretty heavy on the synth, but overall, it just adds a nice completed but not overproduced sound to the album as a whole, and i feel is a positive aspect of the album.

Anyway, skipping past the intro, which wasn't neccecary or unneccecary, "Back to Back" will immediately start pummeling you with a great crunchy guitar sound, on the money vocals, and one of the most pounding and locked in rythm sections i have ever heard! While many bands of the time had the flash guitar thing down, many hadn't spent much time trying to play with each other and the result would come out sloppy sounding. Obviously, Pretty Maids set their standards slightly higher than most other bands of the time. For a debut, this is the best sounding and tightest thing out there.

Moving on to the title track, my favorite song on the album, this one half-times it with some serious fist pumping credibility. "You've got to be strong, if you will survive, Stay! Ah! Liiive!" A very strong chorus, and a very anthemic vibe. The next track is the earlier mentioned "Waitin for the time," Which your gonna hate if you don't like keyboards. But don't be afraid to like it, because its a great upbeat song that brings to mind Uriah Heep's more cheesy stuff, Which you pretty much either love or hate. I am no hater though, and if you must skip this song, the rest of the album will pretty much keep pummelling you with some great heavy metal tunes of varying speed and heaviness. But one thing every song has in common is that none are filler, every single one is catchy and heavy at the same time, something many newer bands can't seem to grasp, and I guarentee if you are into any kind of old school metal, you will love this album." - Encyclopaedia Metallum

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